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Reforming Nomad

I am a nomad and I have learnt to accept it. Truth be told I probably got it from my mum. When I was growing up we never stayed in one place too long. By the time I was done with primary school I had been to 7 different schools. Yeah seven, as in the number of levels there are in primary school. Same thing with junior school. 3 separate schools, one for each form. So naturally I never got attached to any one place. The only time I ever cried when we moved was in standard 5, I was only 11 and literally at the prime of primary school life and then up we left. I vowed after that to never get too attached to one place. This is probably why I never bothered making friends because who knew how long before I would have to leave them again.  It was only at tertiary level, that I stayed at one place for an extended period of time. But even then I attended two different universities, seas apart, just to complete my degree. In short I have been a nomad all my life. 

This has proved to be a problem in my adult life. Because of my moving around I get bored with things easily. Be it a project, people and most importantly jobs. The moment it gets monotonous I have that itching feeling to move on to something new. It's probably coupled with being a millennial, apparently we don't keep jobs for too long. This results in me having a long list of short stints at various jobs which let's be honest doesn't really scream 'hire me'. So when I began to feel this itch recently I made it my life's mission to combat it. I did research and even asked some of my friends about it. One person I asked told me about a trick they use that has worked for them. He is a creative who constantly needs a different environment to keep his creative juices flowing. He told me that whenever he felt like he was getting bored or blocked he would switch up his bedroom. This included a mixture of rearranging his furniture, repainting his room and sometimes even switching rooms in his house! And he has been at the same job and lived in the same house for almost 4 years now! Another friend told me to constantly set targets and goals for myself in my workplace. That way I would always have something to look forward to and achieving which is bound to keep me on my toes and interested. 

I have also come across a few articles suggesting the following:
Work somewhere new. If your work allows you to be flexible then don't just stay in the office. Work from a library or a coffee shop or even outside in the park. Basically mix it up.
Hang out with different people. Meeting and talking to new people is one of the joys of lives. They open up your mind to new ideas and possibilities with their varying views and opinions on different topics. 
Travel, travel, travel! If you can't change your environment permanently why not change it temporarily. I guarantee you will come back refreshed and ready to go that monotonous job.

I have only just started to implement all of these so I can't guarantee that they will work for fellow nomads like myself. But I will definitely keep y'all updated on how its going. Hopefully they will help not only me but everyone else who is in the same situation as me. 


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