Last week I was presented with the opportunity of a lifetime, applying to the biggest financial institution in the world for a summer internship. The process was long and tedious and mentally exhausting that I decided to take the easy way out. After two full hours of filling the online application form I gave up on the very last task I had to complete. And now I will never know if I would have gotten in or not. Often in life we are faced with challenges that literally drain the lives out of us and we give up. It's not something to be proud of but it is the easy way out and I agree. But if everything in life was easy then we really would not have much appreciation for it. A hard earned C is so much more fulfilling than an easy A. We feel much more accomplished when we have overcome an obstacle. Sure giving up is much easier to handle, you don't have to face rejection or failure. And failure is such a hard pill to swallow but once in a while you have to fail to learn how to succeed. We learn from our mistakes, but how will you learn if you never try anything? I am not proud of what I did, quitting has never been a trait of mine and now I regret not finishing what I had started. What I am trying to say is stop being a quitter, dump the I CAN'T DO it mentality and start doing something, no matter how difficult it is. Trust me, the end result whether good or bad will benefit you. I don't normally go all preachy on my blog but I thought that lesson was worth sharing. Signing out...D
Of late I have been interacting more with people, listening to their different opinions and not just listening but actually hearing what they have to say. I have always fancied myself open minded but it recently came to my attention that I may be wrong. I, like most people, have a set way of doing things. There is a certain way that I have always done things, for example, the way I study for exams or the way I brush my teeth. It's routine, it works and I have never needed to change it. I mean I know I could do some things differently but who wants the hassle of trying a new method that might not be effective right? Wrong! That's the kind of mentality that leads to people being afraid of change. I know it may seem like a small thing especially when I use such trivial examples like brushing your teeth but it's actually bigger than that. When we grow older, because we have adopted this 'no change' attitude, we let it affect important decisions that shape the cour...
u shudnt hv quit bt what done is done n gudluck on ur next application
ReplyDeletethanx Tshepang...Thabang thanx too i guess