I recently reached a very important stage in my life; turning 21! Yep, I am pretty old I know. So 21, everyone looks forward to this big moment in their life. It's when the whole world recognises you as an adult! You are finally free to do whatever you want. It's like being given a canvas and paint and painting the picture that is the rest of your life. A pretty exciting moment right? wrong! Well at least for me anyway. I mean at first I was psyched, I was finally 21. What could go wrong? And then I sat down and thought, I am 21. I am in my 20s and I have nothing to show for it. Over two decades I have been on earth and I hadn't even finished school yet! It was a nightmare. My friend called it an 'early mid-life crisis'. Of course right now I am feeling a lot better about the whole thing, I mean I am still freaking out just a little bit but I will be ok. The point I am trying to make is even though growing up is great and everything, it can also be scary. The older we get, the more responsibility we assume. We become less dependent on our parents. It's a really scary thought. Ok now I am panicking again, I should stop. Cudos to all the 21 year olds who didn't have panic attacks on their birthdays. You guys are my heroes and welcome to adulthood!
Of late I have been interacting more with people, listening to their different opinions and not just listening but actually hearing what they have to say. I have always fancied myself open minded but it recently came to my attention that I may be wrong. I, like most people, have a set way of doing things. There is a certain way that I have always done things, for example, the way I study for exams or the way I brush my teeth. It's routine, it works and I have never needed to change it. I mean I know I could do some things differently but who wants the hassle of trying a new method that might not be effective right? Wrong! That's the kind of mentality that leads to people being afraid of change. I know it may seem like a small thing especially when I use such trivial examples like brushing your teeth but it's actually bigger than that. When we grow older, because we have adopted this 'no change' attitude, we let it affect important decisions that shape the cour...
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