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'Tis the season...

Is it just me or does Christmas seem to come earlier every year? Literally as soon as October ends you start seeing the signs:

  • Christmas sales
  • green and red everywhere
  • Christmas cards invading the cards section (I almost feel bad for anyone who has a birthday during this time, its nearly impossible to find a birthday card!)
  • Christmas themed food/drinks
  • and of course CHRISTMAS TREES!!
It's like a freaking epidemic! Christmas has now turned from a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ to a marketing gimmick for shops to make money! It is now one of the most commercialised holidays in the world! It's no longer about singing Christmas carols, acting out plays and actually going to church. It's now about who cooks the best Christmas dinner or who gives the best Christmas gift or who rocks the best Christmas sweater! It has become so terrible that we get into debt just so that we can have that special 'Christmas' with all the unnecessary cakes and presents and fancy food. By the time January comes around, the loan businesses boom! If you actually look at it, it's planned quite well. The stores trick you into overspending during the festive season and then in January you are forced to get loans to make it through the month. It's a win-win situation for these vultures.

Of course it's not all bad. Over the years it has become a time when families reunite. A time when you get to see your long lost cousins and  just escape from the real world and its troubles. A time for giving, compassion and to get in touch with our humanity. And for some people like me, it's a time to manipulate your parents into getting you that expensive item you have been eyeing for the whole year. If you ask me, getting 'christmas clothes' was the best part of the whole thing. This is all well and great but while we do all these let us not forget the real reason why we celebrate Christmas; To celebrate the birth of our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us not get caught up in the material things and actually be thankful to God for not only sending His only Son to save us but also for all the people in our lives.

I am not saying don't buy any gifts, please do. But just remember the important things too. With that I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


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