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The Diaries of A Lazy Person

Ever since I started my second year of University I feel like my brain cells have dramatically reduced in population. Everything is just so much more complicated and demanding and concepts are harder to grasp!! I know, I know, school is supposed to get more difficult with every increasing year but it still sucks!! I mean who came up with that logic anyway. Who came up with 'the recipe of success is hardwork'? I would really love to meet that person and give him/her a mouthful.

Why couldn't life be simple? Why couldn't people be given the choice to do what they want and how they want it? For example, why can't I just wake up one day and say 'I wanna be a billionaire' and boom! the money appears? Why do I have to slave our away my whole entire life  just for a few years of satisfaction? Let's just think about this for a minute. You spend 12 years of mandatory school and then 3-6 years of university depending on your chosen degree. We are now up to 15-18 years, that's like half of some people's lives. But nooo! it doesn't end there. You then have to slave away at work, working your way up the rank and that could take years!! I know there is always the option of starting your own business, but we all can't be business owners, someone has to do the menial, dirty work!

And then after years of hard work and sleepless nights and not getting to see your kids enough you finally get that big management position. But by then you have grey hairs and your days are numbered. Where is the joy in that? I know some people are content with the little they have and that's great but not everyone is like that, I am not like that. I want the fancy car(s) and the big house(s) and the designer clothes. Don't get me wrong, I am not shallow, I also want the other stuff, family, friendships, love. But there is also nothing wrong with wanting all that plus a comfortable life.

All I am saying is why does it have to be so damn hard?! There are so many other things that are difficult about life, school doesn't have to be one of them!!


  1. Hello Lassie.A pretty interesting read and quite one to relate to.I find in us a constant urge to renounce the common course of life and to sneak an easy one in.Perhaps that accounts for the overwhelming advancement in technology,precisely the rapidness of the same,or the constant loosening of societal morals and norms.Anyhow,i keep finding in your reasoning the whole point of work.If life were to be considered a system,then i would accept work as the greatest mechanism appointed the human race.In all things,it is an impetus for fulfillment,a process attending to the deficiencies of humanity,a means of upgrading men from the ruin and degradation of a life of idleness.Outstandingly for me,it maintains balance and genuinely distinguishes men, for all can attain to hard work, but(we readily accept),not all are equally talented.I find in work a revelation of excellence,an opportunity at virtue.But,but life is a compilation of many factors deserving to be considered thoroughly in their own right and not to be generalized, least we contradict the very things we profess to advocate for.The Greeks educational system is prevalent in many a nation,and basically what we denote as school though it leaves, unattended many other aspects of life.School is revealed in a most appalling visage and it has been let down for every men as an only means of achieving knowledge and a chance at sustenance of life.Unfortunately,i have to settle for such a resolution because i find no other alternate better.I mean Lassie,there are already so many inconsistencies in this system i talk about,that have been drafted and established over time and to attempt reform is as impossible as it gets.We will constantly accept exceptions,but for the majority school is all we have.But work,unperturbed,unaffected by men,is fundamentally an amazing principle,a beautiful form of recreation,a lifestyle and its best admitted with a cheerful heart and an easiness of attitude.

  2. Opelo that has to be the longest comment I have ever seen! I do understand where you are coming from and you are probably right...but there is nothing wrong with wishful thinking right? Plus unlike you, not everyone enjoys the work they do or the schooling they need to get that job. Sometimes its just a case of weighing outcomes, some jobs even though less enjoyable produce more benefits than others. For example, being a medical doctor gives you the opportunity to lead a more comfortable life than being a potographer. Simply because even though there are high earning photographers out there, not everyone can be that exceptional. So they are then forced to go through 6 years of (boring) medical school and a lot more years of endless shifts just so that they can support the lifestyle they want. And that's the 'hard work' I am protesting.

  3. No mam i won't protest against wishful thinking and yea,i just realized i posted a novel.I am going to assume a two-fold reasoning.First i hold that if we are going to choose to do something, we are to accept what comes along with it and find constructive means to adapt.The only thing always in our power to alter is our perception,our viewpoint,our notion.The case of optimization as you bring it out is constantly shackled by constraints,such is reality.One lad will say,"do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life," but,as you have hinted before, the whole matter is more vulnerable of becoming relative.We may say, your idea of a "fulfilling life" may vary with Yours truly, but i must resist drawing a conclusion. After-all, true as this might be,we have to match our interest,our passion with our career paths,we have to do a course we love,pursue a career we love, notwithstanding the pressure and labelling attached to them.I mean is that not the reason we have bitter,depressed instructors,nurses,immigration officers(had to bring that one in..)etc,because one looked at the money and not comfort...

    1. Hahahahha! bitter, depressed nurses... Yes I agree, our ideas of a fulfilling life do differ. And yes because people chase money and not their passion we end up with horrible service providers. For fear of going in circles and a never ending debate I will rest my case. Thank you very much for your contribution and I do see the world from a difeerent point of view now


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