Karma..What goes around comes back around. I have never believed in karma to be honest, life isn't fair. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and good things to bad people. Its's not really up to us, that is what I always thought. But now I might have a change of heart. I have always heard the expression if you get a girl/boy in a deceitful way the same person will be taken from you in the same way. Don't know if that makes sense, let me try to clarify it. Let's say for example you met a girl who was in a relationship with another person and for some reason you hit it off and that decides you know what you are worth her time and dumps her current boyfriend. Someone else will come and do the same thing to you, I think that is clear enough. I didn't believe it at first but it happened to me and now I actually think Karma exists. Scary thought looking at all the horrible deeds I have committed in the past. I hope karma has a moral compass and only punishes you once. I mean once is all it takes for one to learn a lesson. Do not take what is yours. Sometimes you think someone is over a person when they are really not and they are just using you to mask those lingering feelings they still have. That would be horrible wouldn't it, being hopelessly in love with someone when they are busy thinking about another person. Gosh I hope that is not the case. But love is supposed to be forever, I mean no matter how much someone hurts you and puts you through misery if you love them you love them. No changing that, no other person can change that. Sad...It is something to think about. Don't take what is not yours, if someone's heart belongs to someone else do not try to steal it. It will only cause you more pain and heartache.
Of late I have been interacting more with people, listening to their different opinions and not just listening but actually hearing what they have to say. I have always fancied myself open minded but it recently came to my attention that I may be wrong. I, like most people, have a set way of doing things. There is a certain way that I have always done things, for example, the way I study for exams or the way I brush my teeth. It's routine, it works and I have never needed to change it. I mean I know I could do some things differently but who wants the hassle of trying a new method that might not be effective right? Wrong! That's the kind of mentality that leads to people being afraid of change. I know it may seem like a small thing especially when I use such trivial examples like brushing your teeth but it's actually bigger than that. When we grow older, because we have adopted this 'no change' attitude, we let it affect important decisions that shape the cour...
Karma sure is a bitch!!
ReplyDeletetake what not yours ya i did that and guess what?
same thing happened me
yea it sucks hey..le rona re tla baka, taking whats not ours