When I was 9 I wanted to be a pilot. I had just discovered my love for Maths and we were doing those problems solving questions in class that I absolutely love. Someone had told me pilots needed to be good in maths and science and that fit my description to a T! And then when I was 11 I wanted to be a lawyer. Lawyers talked a lot and knew about history and could defend themselves, and that was my whole personality then. Then 2 years later at 13 I discovered actuaries. They dealt with numbers and statistics and insurance and after one episode on SABC 2 about the day in the life of an actuary, I was convinced! I wanted to be an actuary for a while after that. Then finally 3 years later at 16 I learnt more about our then president, H.E. Dr Festus Mogae. He was an Economist. He combined his knowledge for maths and wanting to help people into being an economist. It wa...
As random as they come but definitely worth a read...