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Showing posts from August, 2017

Reforming Nomad

I am a nomad and I have learnt to accept it. Truth be told I probably got it from my mum. When I was growing up we never stayed in one place too long. By the time I was done with primary school I had been to 7 different schools. Yeah seven, as in the number of levels there are in primary school. Same thing with junior school. 3 separate schools, one for each form. So naturally I never got attached to any one place. The only time I ever cried when we moved was in standard 5, I was only 11 and literally at the prime of primary school life and then up we left. I vowed after that to never get too attached to one place. This is probably why I never bothered making friends because who knew how long before I would have to leave them again.   It was only at tertiary level, that I stayed at one place for an extended period of time. But even then I attended two different universities, seas apart, just to complete my degree. In short I have been a nomad all my life.  This has proved to...

365 Days Later

My graduation dress is a little over year old today. I remember the first day I laid my eyes on it. It was one of those moments when you just knew, that yeah, this is the one. Obviously it wasn’t my first choice, not by far, had to try on a whole lot more dresses before I found the one that fit in all the right ways. It’s kind of like life really, something which I have learnt over the past year. Sometimes what you really want isn’t exactly what you get or what is good for you. You have to try on a few more ‘dresses’ until you find the right fit! Since graduation I have had a total of 3 different jobs before I found the right fit for me. It sounds like a lot doesn’t it, but it’s actually not. Let me start from the beginning. Like every fresh graduate out of uni I was more than hopeful that I would almost immediately get a job. Even in the dire economic climates, I expected to be unemployed for at most 2 months before I landed my perfect job. After all I did go to a top tie...