Every child has a dream, it may be to be a cop, a doctor or even a singer. The point is we all had dreams and at that young age we all thought they could happen. We had hope. But once you grow older and see the world more as it is you kind of loose hope. I don't know about you but I remember a time when I thought all my dreams were stupid and pointless and unachievable. If you didn't go through that stage then I admire your perseverance. The world can be a harsh place and if you aren't strong enough it can crush your dreams. And then a miracle happens, we go to university. At university we are presented with an opportunity to re-invent ourselves, to become those people that we never thought we could become. At that point in life you have nothing to lose. I know different universities have different opportunities. But at this crucial time in your life apply yourself. Do all those things you dared not to do. If you don't do them now you will never get the chance again an...
As random as they come but definitely worth a read...