So i recently discovered that someone actually reads my blog and they think its good..yaay! for me. I have a fan. I know it might seem like a small thing but its a pretty big deal for me. Right about today's blog, the jealousy paradox. I have never been the jealous type, in every relationship i have had except this one. Its pretty new to me i don't know how to react to it. It sucks big time it seems like i have some serious insecurity problems which might be true. The point is i ain't used to it. So who gets jealous? There is a saying that a jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend. So does that mean if someone isn't jealous of their competition then they aren't faithful? That's the mystery. If that is the case then that means all the relationships i have had in the past i wasn't committed to them, i didn't care. Weird...i thought i did. It doesn't help to be in a relationship with someone who is super confident and chilled either, they just make you look stupid, dumb. Oh, well leave me your thoughts on this if you are reading your input is highly welcome. Otherwise life is pretty boring on my side, nothing happening that's interesting enough to share.
Of late I have been interacting more with people, listening to their different opinions and not just listening but actually hearing what they have to say. I have always fancied myself open minded but it recently came to my attention that I may be wrong. I, like most people, have a set way of doing things. There is a certain way that I have always done things, for example, the way I study for exams or the way I brush my teeth. It's routine, it works and I have never needed to change it. I mean I know I could do some things differently but who wants the hassle of trying a new method that might not be effective right? Wrong! That's the kind of mentality that leads to people being afraid of change. I know it may seem like a small thing especially when I use such trivial examples like brushing your teeth but it's actually bigger than that. When we grow older, because we have adopted this 'no change' attitude, we let it affect important decisions that shape the cour...
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