Dear lonely girl, I know its hard, I know its hard to wake up every morning ready to fill your day with anything and everything that could distract you from your thoughts. I know its hard some days to pull yourself out of bed and face the world when all you want to do is crawl back into bed, into oblivion. I know its hard not to finish an entire ice cream tub in one sitting because you will do anything to fill that whole deep inside your heart. I know its especially hard to resist drowning that whiskey bottle hoping against hope to find what you are looking for at the bottom of the glass. Dear lonely girl, I know its hard to ever feel beautiful because each and every person that ever said you were didn't think twice about leaving you behind. I know its hard to take any compliment seriously, after all if you were that awesome, that amazing, then that one guy that you thought was the one would have never left, right? I know its hard to believe that anyone will ever stay till...
As random as they come but definitely worth a read...