For what I am about to share to make sense, I need to give you a bit of background information. I am what my friends call an 'activity slut'. Its kind of a harsh term but completely factual. I am the kind of person who participates in literally everything that I come across, be it charity organisations, school related projects, societies, etc. If I feel like I could contribute something to any project I do it, without any hesitation. I love working with people and trying to make the lives of people around me better and being involved in all these projects gives me the opportunity to do just that. I also do it for selfish reasons, I want to leave a legacy that will live on for decades after I have left this earth. I want to be remembered by each and everyone I come in contact with. What? I am only human! But one thing I never do is get involved in anything where I am uncertain about its success. All my moves are calculated, I only take part in things I know for sure I will be...
As random as they come but definitely worth a read...