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Showing posts from October, 2014


Can I just say, I am so glad to be back in England!! I know it might seem like a horrible thing to say but it's the truth. I am happy about getting my own personal space back, my independence, my life, my daily routine. It's just a really good feeling. OK so I spent THREE MONTHS  at home (Botswana) and boy do I have a lot to say about it. First of all let me just say going back home after being used to doing your own thing is a bad idea! It's just way too much time. Of course it could be a different case with other people but for me it was a horrible idea. First of all there is chores! Gosh, how I hate doing any sort of household chores! Yes I am lazy, sue me! When you live alone you cook when you want and what you want but when you are back at home it's a different story. Anyway this post is not just about me complaining so let me get to the important stuff.  See the thing about being home is that everything is the same. Your old bed is still there, your music poster...